Sunday, November 30, 2008

Plimoth Document 1637

2 May 1637 : "It was ordered by this Court, that a jury should be empanelled to set forth the heigh wayes about Plymouth, Ducksborrow, and the Eele Riuer... "It is agreed, that the heigh wayes, both for horse, cart, and foote, shalbe as followeth ... we allow a heigh way from the cutt betweene Willm Bassets & Francis Sprage, to goe to Ducksborrow towne; the heigh way to be continued from Willm Bassets garden or orchard, through John Washburnes ground, to Willm Palmers gate, as it now hs, and so along through Peeter Browne ground, by the outeside of which we allow a way to the marsh, and vp to the woods; the way still to passe by Henry Howlands house, leauing it on the east side, so keepeing the old way through the march to Mr Aldens house, and from thence through a valley wch leadeth to the corner of Phillip Delanoys feild, so to passe to Edward Bumpas house, and fourty foote to be allowed above his house straight to Rowland Leyhornes house, & so passinge aboue the house to Greenes Harbor path."Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. 1, p. 58-59.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

May everyone have a blessed & happy holiday! From Pilgrims& Pioneers!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Who Is this Pilgrim at Plimoth?

This photo shows a Pilgrim man dressed in authentic perod clothing of the time. The photo was taken at today's Plimoth Plantation- it does not say who the person is being portrayed- could it be Capt. Miles Standish? Isaac Allerton? Eduoad Bompasse?. Let your imagination be your guide!
There are many more names to choose from:
John Cooke
William Brewster
John Adams
Stephen Hopkins
Richard Warren
William Bradford
and many more
Do you see a realtive here?
For a great interactive link about the first Thanksgiving scroll down to the Plimoth in the fall post!
Photo courtesy of Yankee magazine.

Give Thanks 20% off sale!!!

In Honor of our Thanksgiving Holiday Brandyanne's Candles is having a sale! You can get 20 % off of any order until 11:59 pm Friday November 28th

A great way to save on Holiday shopping.Just enter code GT20 at checkout.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Plimoth Plantataion in the Fall

What a lovely simple Fall scene. The plantation residents dressed in their cold weather clothing going about their daily chores
The view of the ocean is a stunning backdrop to the starkness of the village.
To know that my 10th great grandfather would have viewed this scene on a daily basis is still awe inspiring to me.
I would love to be able to visit the Plantation- especially at Thanksgiving time. I know of some lucky women who are actually going there Thanksgiving day!
I am so envious!
Their menu for that day will be:
Vegetable soup
Garden Salad
Roast Native Turkey with Giblet Gravy
Carved Roast Sirloin of Beef
Cornbread Stuffing
Mashed Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Creamed Onions
Cape Cod Cranberry Sauce
Hot Crusty Rolls
Wood Pressed Apple Cider
Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Coffee & Tea
Adult: $64.95Child (under 12) $42.95
Adult Member: $45.95 Child Member: $30.95
Prices include museum admission and tax.
Museum admission includes: the Wampanoag Homesite, 1627 English Village, Mayflower II, Crafts Center, and Nye Barn.
This is a pretty hefty price tag but the History is well worth it & one I would gladly pay if I could only go!
Photo courtesy of Yankee
For an interactive view of the Pilgrims first Thanksgiving follow this link

The Grandpa House

Kalona , Iowa is located 17 miles north of Iowa City, Iowa and is a big Amish community. While browsing their website for information I found this photo of the Grandpa House. It is a house that was created for the elderly in the family. Old order Amish families live together through out their lifetime- when a son gets married the original family house gets an addtion for the new family added to it. Apparently when the grandparents become elderly & need closer supervision an addition is built fo this also.
Note the traditional sparse furnishings.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Fresh Sage- Just In Time for Thanksgiving

Our fresh sage is still availalble in time for your Thanksgiving cooking!
It will come picked fresh at the time of your order and is 5 stems 6-8 inches in length.
To place your order go to and click on the Herbs link.

200th post is coming!

I just realized I am approaching 200 posts! Time goes by so quickly!
I am considering having a giveaway so stay tuned!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am so excited! I won a GIVEAWAY!

I had a long day at work today. When I came home I got a pleasant surprise in my email! I won 24 grubbied salt dough ornies in snowmen & snowflake shapes. They are scented in Cinnamon and I am going to love them! I entered the contest at
It is a wonderful blog- you should go visit!
I think I have the perfect vessel to display these!
I am doing the happy dance!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I have gotten an award!

The "Marie Antoinette: A Real Person, A Real Award" blog award from Terri at
Here are the rules that accompany this award:1. Please put the logo on your blog 2. Place a link to the person from whom you received the award 3. Nominate at least 7 or more blogs 4. Put the links of those blogs on your blog 5. Leave a message on their blogs to tell them.
My nominees are

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Stretching Your Dollars for a Good Cause & a Giveaway

From now until November 23, every order over 40.00 ( before shipping) will receive a free 9 oz square mason candle or a six pack of tarts in the scent of your choice ( subject to scents in stock). There is no code to use- just type your scent choice in the comment section and indicate which product you want- candle or tarts.
I am offering this because a young man( in his early 30's) I know needs help.
A while back this young man's right leg started going numb off & on- he was working but did not have any medical insurance so he did not seek any medical care- until a few weeks ago when the numbness would not go away. He then went to the emergency room and they discovered he has a herniated disc in his lower back which is causing the numbness in his leg. They referred him to a specialist and told him they would call him to set up an appointment. In the meantime he was laid off from his job because of the failing economy.
When the specialists office called him they found out that he did not have any insurance so told him he could not be seen.
So here he is without any money and a serious medical condition left untreated.
I am so saddend by this I have vowed to do what I can to help.
20 % of all the sales this offer generates will be put in a fund and given to this young man.
Please consider doing some shopping for Christmas with me to get your free product and help someone in desperate need.
For everyone that posts the sale on their blog( & let's me know they have posted it) they will be entered into a drawing for a six pack of tarts in the scent of their choice. Drawing willl be held November 24. The tarts make great small gifts! My friend Nancy is also doing a giveaway for a free tote bag for any one that spends 25.00 at for more info go to her blog

Colonial Wreath & More Colonial Williamsburg

This is another example of the Colonial Williamsburg Christmas decorations using natural materials- plain & simple materials- no glitter- no lights- but beautiful !

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Colonial Christmas In Williamsburg

I found these photos at
Colonial people used fruits and other natural materials to decorate at Christmas time I think they are so pretty. Note the pineapples at the top. The traditional Colonial symbol of Welcome.
The other photo shows what seems to be lighting torches outside the homes- what a flame he has going there!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Snowman Candle Mat

This wonderful wool felt candle mat was made by a very good friend of mine. It is made from navy wool felt with olive green & burgundy stars.
It is just waiting to decorate your home with your favorite candle sitting on it.
To buy this mat got to
in the seasonal category- hurry there is only one of these in wool felt.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Look at this Great Free Graphic!

This wonderful snowman graphic is free! Can you believe that!
You can get your own at
Give a big thanks to Holly while you are there!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Give Thanks 20% off sale!!!

Thanksgiving will soon be here. It is one of my favorite Holidays! Families get together to share a meal not too different than our Pilgrim forefathers did.

The earth is starting to slow down for the winter and another season has begun.

That means that Christmas is not far behind.

Join us at our 20% off sale. It is a great way to buy homemade if you have taken that pledge and save some money.

It is good for any of our products- candles, melters, dipped bears,prairie bonets- whatever your need or wishes.

Simply enter code PP20 at checkout.

Another great giveaway!!!

Melissa at is having a wonderful giveaway- hurry go take a peek!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sweet Potato Garland- Tutorial

Gather your ingredients:
Sweet potatoes - cut up into halves or quarters
1 Cup boiling water 4 tablespoons of Instant coffee - ginger (optional) ,cinnamon,
nutmeg ,sewing needle ,cotton string or cord - as long as you intend your garland to be.
* You can use ordinary potatoes if in a jam.
1)First you need to make your dye: Mix the coffee and boiling water. 2)Meanwhile, cut up your potatoes into halves and quarters. 3)Next, sprinkle your spices on a plate.
4)Soak your cotton thread in the coffee dye mixture. 5)Dip or drop your potatoes in the dye mixture to stain them. 6)Roll your colored potatoes in the sweet and pungent spice mixture. 7)Attach the potatoe pieces snugly, one against another, on the colored string. 8)let air dry.
You will have created a sweet scent sensation!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Prairie Prim Soap Again

Tonight I am finally trying my hand at making more Prairie Prim soap again.

If all goes well I will be making the leftover soap into soap balls ( or soap stones as professional soap makers call them!) and posting them as a blog giveaway soon!

Stay tuned!

Winner, Winner, Winner!

The winner of the blog giveaway at
and is Angela of
She won one of my full size soy candles and 3 soy Prairie Prim melters!
Congrats Angela!