Sunday, November 30, 2008
Plimoth Document 1637
2 May 1637 : "It was ordered by this Court, that a jury should be empanelled to set forth the heigh wayes about Plymouth, Ducksborrow, and the Eele Riuer... "It is agreed, that the heigh wayes, both for horse, cart, and foote, shalbe as followeth ... we allow a heigh way from the cutt betweene Willm Bassets & Francis Sprage, to goe to Ducksborrow towne; the heigh way to be continued from Willm Bassets garden or orchard, through John Washburnes ground, to Willm Palmers gate, as it now hs, and so along through Peeter Browne ground, by the outeside of which we allow a way to the marsh, and vp to the woods; the way still to passe by Henry Howlands house, leauing it on the east side, so keepeing the old way through the march to Mr Aldens house, and from thence through a valley wch leadeth to the corner of Phillip Delanoys feild, so to passe to Edward Bumpas house, and fourty foote to be allowed above his house straight to Rowland Leyhornes house, & so passinge aboue the house to Greenes Harbor path."Plymouth Colony Records, Vol. 1, p. 58-59.
I love the spelling! So quaint!