Sunday, November 23, 2008

Plimoth Plantataion in the Fall

What a lovely simple Fall scene. The plantation residents dressed in their cold weather clothing going about their daily chores
The view of the ocean is a stunning backdrop to the starkness of the village.
To know that my 10th great grandfather would have viewed this scene on a daily basis is still awe inspiring to me.
I would love to be able to visit the Plantation- especially at Thanksgiving time. I know of some lucky women who are actually going there Thanksgiving day!
I am so envious!
Their menu for that day will be:
Vegetable soup
Garden Salad
Roast Native Turkey with Giblet Gravy
Carved Roast Sirloin of Beef
Cornbread Stuffing
Mashed Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Creamed Onions
Cape Cod Cranberry Sauce
Hot Crusty Rolls
Wood Pressed Apple Cider
Apple Pie
Pumpkin Pie
Coffee & Tea
Adult: $64.95Child (under 12) $42.95
Adult Member: $45.95 Child Member: $30.95
Prices include museum admission and tax.
Museum admission includes: the Wampanoag Homesite, 1627 English Village, Mayflower II, Crafts Center, and Nye Barn.
This is a pretty hefty price tag but the History is well worth it & one I would gladly pay if I could only go!
Photo courtesy of Yankee
For an interactive view of the Pilgrims first Thanksgiving follow this link


  1. I would love to go, too. The menu is amazing! That would be a trip of a lifetime. I also love going to Madrigal dinners & Ren Faires, but those are getting rare, and mayhap this economy might end them completely! But I love "living history" and can tell you do, too.

  2. I would enjoy going there also Deb...Makes me think about the stories my Mother and GM used to tell...but no Ocean where they talked about.
    Thanks for posting that.

  3. I do love living history! The Faires sound like fun too- history there also!
    It's a good thing the economy can't take our dreams!

  4. You are so welcome Nancy! Maybe someday we can visit- until then we can dream!

  5. Sounds delish I am just glad I dont have to cook that much! Blessings, karen
