Friday, October 24, 2008

The Olde Summer Kitchen

What is a summer kitchen you ask? Well...It was a small building back of the house, one room, with wide open windows, and a sturdy screen door.The purpose to a summer kitchen was to save the house from overheating and mess. It also helped prevent the danger of fire in the main house.

The summer kitchen could also be used as a laundry room including an old type wringer washer. Water would be carried in , poured into big copper canners (boilers) and heated, sounds like work doesn't it? Rainwater was saved in a cistern and was ideal for a good washing. Can you imagine washing 7-8 batches of dirty laundry in the same water and one medium bar of home made soap? No fabric softener but one cup of vinegar worked well, still does!

Even in the modern days it would be nice to have an olde summer kitchen- a place to get away form the hussle& bussle of today's busy life.


  1. Hard to imagine living like that with 9 kids but in a way I have always thought about what a simple (but hard) life that must have been. A much better world than what we have now. Seems like everything was structered.
    You bring so many memories back in your blog...something I always used to wish for but to late now to try and fix up an old house...I am to old to tackle it anymore. Thanks for the wonderful memories from decades ago :)

  2. Yep sure sounds like fun. I still think I was born in the wrong century. Have a great weekend. Blessings, Karen

  3. I can't belive you raised 9 younguns! Nerves of steel you must have!

  4. What a great way to state that! I think I was born in the wrong century too!
