Monday, September 22, 2008

What a great RAOK!

My aunt is an avid quilter- while I am still thinking about making one she has two done!

For a few years now this quilt has been hanging in her spare bedroom. A few months ago she said if you want that quilt take it home with you, the colors are too dark for me. Now she already knew that I loved the colors in that quilt and that I love stars! So you know that I was thrilled!

Now I think I need to paint my bedroom to go with the quilt!

I love you Aunt Janice!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a very nice aunt you a beautiful gift. I'm sure it will be much loved and treasured.
    If you paint your bedroom, would love to see the end result.
    luv Ann.xx

  3. Thanks! My aunt is so wonderful- she gave me a throw a little while after that- will post a pic of that later!
