Six years ago when we moved into my husband's parents house it was very overgrown outside- so I started chopping, pulling and, cutting down weeds. There were tons of vines I could not identify so I aked my husband what they were. He replied" oh those are wood vines, I pull them up every year. So I commenced to start pulling- a few days later I woke up to a whopping case of Poison Ivy- I had never had it before and was not sure which vines gave it to me. I had it so bad it took 6 weeks of prednisone therapy to get rid of it. Until a few days ago I had been very cautious- spraying outside with Roundup so I would not touch anything.
A few days ago I was walking by one of my flower beds and saw what appeared to be an Ivy vine crawling through my flowers- not thinking I reached down and pulled and pulled until I got it all out. Well a few days later I found out that I was correct- it was any Ivy vine- Poison Ivy! I now have poison ivy on several spots om my right hand- I decided to get on the web to see if I could find something that looked like what I had pulled up- and I did and sure enough it was poison ivy. I also found out that not all Poison Ivy does not looks alike so I am posting some pics for those of you who do not know what it looks like. I also found out that there is 3 leaves in a cluster on Poison Ivy plants- the way to remeber is- if it has three- let it be!
That's one thing Deb I have never had but I will remember your warning:) I've seen people with it and it looks so sore and itchey.
blessings Rondell
It is a good thing to have knowledge about- just don't pull anything you can't identify- like I did!
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