Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Eating at Plimoth Plantation tomorrow

This is the menu this year ( there is also a buffet menu)


Menu Accompaniments:
  • Fall Harvest Fruits and Assorted Nuts
  • Relish Tray
  • Wood Pressed Apple cider


  • Split Pea Soup

Main Course

  • Roast Native Turkey with Giblet Gravy
  • Traditional Stuffing with Bell’s Seasoning
  • Mashed Potatoes
  • Butternut Squash
  • Steamed White Turnip
  • Harvard Beets
  • Creamed Onions
  • Cranberry Relish
  • Hot Crusty Rolls
  • Cider Cake
  • Ginger Bread


  • Indian Pudding
  • Homemade Pumpkin Pie
  • Apple Pie
Adults - $88.95
Children under 12 - $64.95
Couldn;t be a Poor Pilgrim to eat there.

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