Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Thyme to Harvest From the Earth

Today I worked at harvesting some vegetables from my garden.

Cucumbers, green beans, cherry tomatoes, yellow tomatoes and various kinds of red tomatoes.

The cucumbers have been made into refridgerator pickles amd the green beans will be dried tonight. Tomorrow I will pick the green beans at my son's house and ry them tomorrow night along with some of the tomatoes.

It will be so nice to enjoy these vegetables in December and January when the wind and snow is blowing.

With all of the preserving I have been doing I feel connected to all of my great grandmother's both Pilgrim and Pioneer's!


  1. This is an awesome blog. I am so glad that it was pointed out to me. I will be back often.

  2. Thank you for such a nice compliment! I am glad you enjoy this blog!
