Saturday, July 17, 2010

Who was Hannah Bompasse of Plimoth Plantation?

She was my 10th great grandmother but her parentage is uncertain- back then record keeping was hiy and miss at best. She is many times just listed as Hannah.
Many believe she was Hannah Anable- but there are records( at least some say) that Hannah Anable married some on other than my 10th great Grand fatehr Eduoad Bompasse.
Some believe that she was a Native American woman and that Eduoad chnaged her name to Hannah.
I am not sure this debate will ever be solved because of the record keeping or lack there of. It has been proven that they did have 13 children together and that they died 9 days apart in 1693. Their names are listed on the memorial at Winslow Cemetery in Mrashfiled MA alonf with several more famous Pilgrims.


  1. The things that we may never know sometimes bug us the most don't they? I think it's so neat all the history you have found. I got to one spot and got stuck and never got any farther. Thanks for your sweet post. Hope things are well with you. Blessings,Karen

  2. Are you by any chance related to the Standish's? I am by maiden name a Standish and my father took us down to Plymouth Rock and the Plymouth Plantation many years ago and even signed the wall in the Myles Standish Monument when I was about 12 yrs old. I love looking into ancestory history and have done my husband's side of the family, my older siblings have done the Standish side of the family. And yes, I agree with Karen, alot of the times it's the things that we may never know that bug us the most!!
    Take care, Trish (mamaboyd from app and The Boyd Homestead Farm)

  3. As Far as I know I have no connection to the Srandish Fanily. My c Pilgrim connection is throufg Eduaod Bompasse ( Edward Bumpas)
