Sunday, May 23, 2010

Am I A Pilgrim Gardener?

I am learning that I am not so much a Pilgrim gardener! My 10th great grandparents lived at Plimoth Plantation in the 1620's and I have to admit I don't know how they survived- I most certainly would have starved to death or have been put in the stocks for poor gardening skills!
Today I used a cultivating tool to weed a small section of the garden and promptly got blisters on both thumbs! I carried 6 gallon jugs of water and poured them in a sprinkling can to water the garden as I have no outside faucet. I then proceeded to plant radishes and sunflowers- during this process I felt a stinging sensation on the inside of my left knee-looked down and had about 30 tiny red aunts biting me- didn't take me long to knock them off!
I had sweat running into my eyes and dripping off of my nose- definitely not glamorous!
The good news is the tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers and zucchini plants all look good- and I have two green bean plants coming through plus chives, thyme, basil, and garlic chives are starting to come up after 3 weeks- didn't think they were going to!
So possibly after all of this agony I will have something to harvest but I will admit making candles and tarts for , and yes tutus for is much easier than gardening- but then you can't eat a candle or a tutu!

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