Friday, February 19, 2010

I Have Finally Gotten Over the Brick Wall!

Several years ago I stopped finding information on my Great Grandparents that came from Sweden in 1881.
I knew my ggrandfather had twin sisters Anna & Inga and a brother named Johannes- but I had no idea what had happened to them as adults.
A few days ago I once again posted an inquiry on a message board about them and then kind of forgot about it.
Today I recieved an email from a woman in Sweden that had seen my post.
She gave me new information- Anna had married and emigrated to the USA before my ggrandfather had. She also told me about two more brothers I had not known about, one had also emigrated to the USA a year before my ggrandfather. She also gave me the dates my gggrandparents died.
I am so excited to have gotten this information- I am forever in her debt!!

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