Sunday, November 8, 2009

My Abraham Lincoln Connection

While reading the article about my gggrandmother Sarah Jones Dow she stated that she had an uncle that married into the Lincoln family. That uncle was William Dickerson- brother to my ggggrandmother Anne Dickerson. The woman that he married was Elizabeth Lincoln a cousin to Abraham. She was born in 1825 to John Lincoln and Francis Day. I have gone to Rootsweb and found the documentation that says this is true.
Sarah also stated that her mother Anne Dickerson was related to Stephen A. Douglas. I know that my gggggrandmother was Judith Douglas- but I have yet to find a connection to Stephen Douglas. I am sure that my grandmother Sarah knew this as a fact but she could have left a few more clues!
I will keep searching and hopefully find it. It would be great to find a connection to both of these famous political rivals!!


  1. How awsome!!! Good luck with your continued search!

  2. I just found your blog and am enjoying it very much. I am also doing genealogy research and like you I wonder about the lives they led, etc. Thank you for sharing your posts with us.

    I am researching a distant relative, Elisha Linder, that traveled the circuit with Lincoln. From what I have found so far he was quite a drinker. LOL

  3. HI Nacy- I am glad you enjoy my blog!
    How wonderful you are doing research also! I can believe he may have been a drinker- there are a lot of things discovered when doing research!
