Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vinyl Lettering Tutorial

Vinyl lettering is the newest craze in home décor. It’s easy to apply and can be completely customized to fit your home. Vinyl lettering can be applied to a number of surfaces such as wood, glass, walls, windows, tile, and metal. The options for vinyl lettering are endless. You can choose any quote, font, and color. Vinyl lettering works great for Super Saturday projects, craft nights, Girls Camp, and Young Women’s activities.
Vinyl lettering is similar to a rub on sticker. Before you apply the vinyl, be sure that the area you will be applying it to is clean and dry. If you have just painted a surface make sure the paint is dry before applying the vinyl. To make application easier, you can mark the application area with a pencil. One of the most common mistakes is not applying the lettering in a straight line. Marking the area will help you to avoid this mistake.
The lettering arrives on a piece of vinyl paper with application tape on top. Firmly rub the application tape with a hard surface such as a Popsicle stick, credit card or squeegee. To apply the lettering, slowly pull the application tape away from the paper. The vinyl will stick to the application tape. If your vinyl is not sticking to the application tape simply rub that area again. Once you have it where you want it gently rub over the tape with your hand to secure it in place, then use your hard surface (Popsicle stick, credit card or squeegee) and press firmly. Be sure to rub over the surface several times to insure the vinyl is secure. Then remove the application tape by slowly pull it off at an angle. If you have a letter that is staying on the tape then you once again rub the area that you are having a problem with. This should secure the vinyl to your surface.
To remove the vinyl from a surface, hold a hair dryer to the vinyl for about 20 seconds. The vinyl will then peel away from the surface without damaging anything. Because vinyl can be removed without any damage, you can put up vinyl for special occasions without worry.
Great ideas using vinyl lettering are generated every day, let us help you create something wonderful!
This would be great for making prim signs if you can not paint letters!

1 comment:

  1. Saw you mentioned on Prim Thymes blog and had to come visit! Love your blog! I'm a big fan of the pioneer era and have a blog dedicated to my log cabin.
