Thursday, February 19, 2009

Another Surgery Day Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is my son's surgery day- of course once again I am nervous!
The surgery will take 3-5 hours and he will stay in the hospital for 5-7 days.
They are going to do the Peripheral Artery Bypass- stent the left kidney artery- and stent the Abdominal Aorta.
He has never had anything done medically so this will be a new experience for him.
With the hospital being so far away I will only be able to go visit once- probably Tuesday or Wednesday.
I am sure he will reach a point where he is bored & wants to come home- maybe not the first few days though- he may be pretty sore and medicated. Please say some prayers for him!


  1. I have been reading up on PVD/PAD & these stents sound like the way to go. Of course I have your son in my thoughts and prayers already, also your hubby for his continued recovery and YOU because the terror of yer loved ones being ill/hurt is a very serious and terrible burden. I know that especially as a mom we would, if it were possible, rather go through the surgeries ourselves than have our children go through it. You just feel so helpless.

    Deb hang in there, soon yer son will be recovering and thank god he finally has a doctor to get to the bottom of why it is happening.

  2. Thanks so much for your support Holly! You know exactly how I feel!
    I know this has to be done- not optional. I am sure he will be feeling better once he has time to heal! Have a good night!

  3. Praying for you all! Blessings, Karen
