Friday, January 16, 2009

Embroidery- An Age Old Craft

Emroidery is a very old craft. I know my mother did it,my grandmother did it, their mother's did it and so on.

I found these instructions and pattern on
Right click pattern & save to your hard drive.

This pattern contains motifs to be worked in cross stitch with applique or in cross stitch with outline stitch to be used on kitchen towels.
All applique patches are given.
Linen toweling should be used for towels, percale, gingham or a similar material for applique patches and six strand cotton for embroidery.
The motifs are to be done in a variety of colors or in one color.

1 yard of 16 or 18 inch material
Six strand cotton in each color to be used
Small scraps for applique patches
Please remember these are copies of my vintage transfers that were meant to be ironed on face down (mirror image). Depending on what transfer method you choose, you may have to flip the image before printing.
When working in plain embroidery disregard applique patches.
Hem each towel end.
Cut the motif from pattern. Pin it securely in place on towel and transfer.
Transfer applique patches on contrasting material when working motifs in applique.
Plain Embroidery:
Follow Color Suggestions and work crosses, cross stitch; continuous lines, outline stitch and single lines, single stitch.
Follow Color Suggestions and cut out patches on outer line; the inner broken line is the finishing line. Slash edges on small lines at right angles to outer line. Turn under edges and baste in place on motif. Catch patch to article with outline stitch; work rest of motif following directions for Plain Embroidery.

For working in Plain Embroidery or Applique work fruits in their respective colors; leaves, green; large crosses, deep green, brown or black; or work all in one color if desired.


  1. Thanks for the link for all the bath soaks etc..Kept me busy going from one to the other checking them all out...I will keep it in my favorites until my Lavender comes back this summer...Thanks Deb
