Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Aunt Nellie- 1894

I received this picture from a cousin a few days ago.

It is my Grandma Temple's half sister Nellie

Nellie was born in 1894. After her mother died her father remarried my great grandmother Zilla Dow- they had two children Temple and Harry- thus the half sister status with Aunt Nellie. I do no think they thought of themselves as being half sisters as my grandma & Nellie were very close.
Note the long shaggy rug she is on- I did not know they had anything like that in those days!!


  1. Debra, your Aunt Nellie looks like a little sweetheart! It's so fascinating to see these old pictures!

    Thank you for donating to Hope!

  2. Hi Debra,
    I was so glad to see this picture ! My grandmother & My grandfathers 2nd wife (grandmother Mae) was on this same kind of fur.I assume it was a bear rug.They were into using everything they had around.Very resourceful people.
    As I told you before,I have been working on my genealogy & I just love finding out everything I can,maybe some day I can put mine in a blog form.Keep up the wonderful work.
    I just love your blog !So glad you send me updates.
    Wishing you a belated Merry Christmas & a very wonderful New Year !!
    How can I add you to my blog ?

  3. I love her hairstyle! What a sweet little thing.

    That almost looks like polar bear fur, doesn't it? I wonder...!!!

  4. I think it just mught be polar bear fur! Wonder what ever happened to it!

  5. Oh how grandma had a similar life! And yep, I do believe it's a bear rug.
