Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Old Railroad Lantern

When I brought this home from my mom's house I sat it on my pie safe. Only a few days ago did I read the writing on the base of the lantern.

It says No2 Cold Blast C. T. Ham Manufacturing Co. Rochester, NY

I decided to see if I could tell how old the lantern was. I have not yet discovered it actual age but did find out that C.T Ham sold it's lantern company in 1915 making this a lantern that could be close to 100 years old! I am excited!


  1. My Grandfather worked on the RR and I have his lantern and I have never checked the bottom. I will do that today..thank you for the info about your lantern..It does look just like mine :)

  2. How wonderful that you have his lantern- I am still trying to find more info about them.

  3. Girls, hang onto those laterns. RR lanterns are worth tons of money! Plus the historic value!!! So glad your lantern has such a nice home. :)

  4. Thanks Skullblosom- I am thrilled to have it! It would be nice if it were worth some money- hang on to it for as long as I can & maybe value will go up!
