Thursday, August 28, 2008

Spongeware & Spatterware

I hope I am identifying these pieces correctly- The second photo shows a spongeware bowl my husband bought for me 15 years ago or so- it is one of my prized possessions and I keep it displayed with my Rowe salt glaze pottery.

It occurred to me a few days ago that I really should use it- I think it would look great filled with apples or pears.
The top photos shows a set of bowls that belonged to my mother- in -law. I have no idea what the age of these bowls is or where she got them but I do not use these either for fear of breaking them- I do think they are antiques. I should probably clean out the pie safe I store my candle supplies in and display these bowls on the shelves- but what to do with all those candle supplies it is holding!


  1. Hi Deb:
    I love your work! Very unique and one of a kind! I am nominating you for the Primitive Excellence award! Please visit my blog to grab the award. Then...

    1.) Copy and put the Award Logo on your Blog.
    2.) Add a link to the Person who awarded you.
    3.)Nominate 7 blogs who haven't received the award yet.
    4.) Add links to those blogs on your blog.
    5.) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs!

  2. Hi Pammi- thank you so much for the award. I just got home form work so will get it passed on later tonight.
