Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Blog Awards x4! Wow!

Yesterday I was the proud recipient of 4 blog awards!. I am so thrilled and flattered!

They were from:

All these great ladies have very interesting blogs and are very talented- go take a peek for your self!
The rules for receiving this award are: 1) Put the logo on your blog. 2) Add a link to the person who awarded you. 3) Nominate at least 7 other blogs. 4) Add links to those blogs on yours. 5) Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs

I am passing this on to the following blogs- they have some great and varied reading! Guaranteed to keep you busy for days
My thanks to everyone that gave me this award!


  1. Thank you for the award! I had so much fun browsing your blog and your candle website! I"m from the midwest also!

  2. You are welcome for the blog award!
    Glad you had fun on my sites!
    I have often wondered what it would be like to live somewhere else- but I think I would miss the good old Midwest!

  3. Congratulations on your award and for sharing it with me!

    Can't wait to read more about your historical studies! Its fascinating.


  4. Thanks Lea! I love your blog!!!

  5. Thanks for the award Debra! It has been a busy week at the shop! Your blog is wonderful, chock full of interesting facts, stories and great photos! I enjoy it very much!

  6. You are so welcome Liz! I would love to visit your shop some day!

  7. thank you for passing on the award to me :)
    look fwd to reading more on your families history

  8. So happy for you Deb...yes, keep up the great work you do on your posts, I enjoy reading the historical ones so much!


  9. Thank you for the award.

    I enjoy your blog by the way!

  10. Yoe ar so welcome! I enjoy your blog too!

  11. Thanks much Deb!!. I have to thank you in return, for the enjoyment I have recieved reading your wonderful blog. I also have enjoyed burning your wonderful candles and can attest to all, they would never be disappointed in a purchase..they are farmost the best I have ever used. ( and smell so yummy too!)

  12. Thanks Cindy! You are so kind- if only everyone could be forunate enough meet you in person to know what a great person you are!

  13. thanks Deb, you're so sweet to give me an award. You know I simply love your blog and all your history pics and lessons! Your tarts are wonderful too, and I am looking to order some more from you soon!


  14. You are so welcome! You have such a great blog too- your compassion for animals touches my heart and you are such an incredible artist!
    Glad you are happy with the tarts too!
