Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Sad story with a Happy Ending!

Last night while vending at our Farmer's Market we had the door open and I kept hearing a little "peeping" sound. I looked out the door and there was a baby Mallard duckling frantically running around the parking lot. Earlier in the day a mama duck and her babies had fallen into a sewer grate next to the market. A good samaritin had pulled off the cover and rescued the mama and her babies but appaprently this little one got left behind. I went out to get a better look at it and it promptly took off. I was so worried it was going to get hit by a car or starve to death I was heart broken.
But it was this little ducky's lucky day. My vending neighbor lives on a farm and has a Muscovie duck that has babies just a little older than this one. She went out into the parking lot and captured the baby duck- put it in a box and was taking it home to her mama duck to raise with her others.
Talk about being a lucky duck!

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