Thursday, June 26, 2008

" The Mighty Mississippi"

As many of you have heard on the news or maybe know first hand the mighty Mississippi River has been a source of major flooding in the Midwest.
Today I traveled about 60 miles to Davenport, Ia having to cross the great Mississippi. I have done this many , many times and have boated on the Mississippi in Albany, Il. about 40 miles away from where I live.Today I realized that there may be many people that do not know much about this great river.
The Mississippi River is the 2nd largest river in North America being 2,350 miles long.
It starts as a small brook at Lake Itasca, Minnesota and ends where it empties into the Gulf of Mexico. The photo on the right shows the start of this great river.
The Missisisppi River basin was formed by glaciers, moving and melting millions of years ago, which left in their wake miles wide flood plains, that still fill up occasionally covering towns, roads, farms and anything else that might stand in the way of it's mighty waters.
The Ojibway Indians of northern Minnesota called it "Messipi" or "Big River".
There are records of human habitation along the Mississippi river dating back 5,000 years.
An average of 175 milloin tons of freight are shipped on the Upper Mississippi each year.
The famous Mark Twain even wrote a book about the Mighty Mississippi titled " Life on the Mississippi".

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