Friday, June 13, 2008

Homemade Laundry Soap

With everyone wanting and needing to be more frugal I thought I would post this recipe I found on another blog( Cathy- hazelruth's to be exacxt). I have not made any yet but she got several responses that said it works great.
You can cut the top off of an old detergent container or better yet put it in a big glass jar that has a lid.
Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe-16 cups water,1 bar of soap (your choice but many sources suggest Ivory, Fels-Naptha, Sunlight Bar, Castile or Zote)1 cup of baking soda or washing soda,1 1/2 cups borax.Before beginning, finely grate your bar of soap.Boil the 16 cups of water in a large pot. While boiling, add your grated soap and whisk continuously until it completely dissolves. Remove from heat.Next add borax and baking soda. Whisk it up really well. Continue to whisk throughout the day as it cools. It may begin to gel over the next 48 hours, but you don't need to wait to use it.You may store in old commercial detergent containers or any other covered container as well.Use ½ cup soap per load.You can also add 2 Tablespoons vinegar to the rinse cycle instead of fabric softener..I found all of the ingredients on the laundry aisle at my local grocery store.


  1. am interested in making laundry soap from nature. I heard that there are plants the Native Americans used.Could you help me find them. Also,Soapnuts are great for washing clothes and they are Natural. Angie

  2. Hi Angie- I will do some research & see what I can find. If I find some information I will make a blog post
