Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's A Crock!

As many of you may know my Mom passed away last December at the age of 86.

Living through the depression she had always live very frugally so there fore did not have much when she died- the one thing that she did have was a 5?gallon crock in mint condition. It was made by Western Stoneware- about 80 miles from where I live.

I am proud to have it in my home- a great momento of my Mom!


  1. what a treasure left behind by your dear Mother.

  2. nice blog, I live about 15 miles from where the crock was made. They are quite the collectors items. the 4 on the front tells you it is a 4 gallon crock, I have a ten gallon one. Great umbrella stand but of course our relatives used them mostly for "brining" pickles and cabbage. Glad mine come in a jar. LOL

  3. How wonderul you so close to the pottery! Not that far away from me either!
    Thanks for telling me about the "4"- Noe I know what size it is. My Mom told stories about pickles and sauerkraut made in those crocks- I am glad I don't have to do that either!!
    Glad you like the blog- stop by anytime!
