Saturday, March 29, 2008

I have been Tagged!

I have been tagged by Stephanie of
Thanks for the tag Steph!
I am supposed to list 5 things about myself and then pass the tag on- so here goes!
1) I am an animal lover that would take in all of the strays in the world if it were possible.
2) I would like to travel back in time to see first hand how my ancestors lived.
3) I like to garden.
4) I plan to use herbs from my garden to create products for my website soaps, milk baths etc.
5)I try to be kind, caring , and considerate every day as you never know what tomorrow will bring.
I am passing this tag onto:
Cindy of the Keeping Room
Prairie Prims and Nene's Crafting Corner
Rondell of Tomatoe Creek Prims


  1. Great list - I agree with them all! I would just change the use of the herbs in #4 to "for cooking and crafting." :)

  2. Okay Deb, you tagged me just trying to think of 5 things about
