Monday, March 31, 2008

Aromatherapy and Essential Oils

Here are some facts and tips about aromatherapy and the use of Essential oils.
Aromatherapy-The use of therapeutic, aromatic pure essential oils.
Essential Oils- the volatile liquids that are distilled from plants, flowers, trees, friuts, and herbs.
Precautions for using Essential Oils- Do not use if you are pregnant, nursing, or plan to become pregnant.
If you suffer from any chronic health conditions particularily hypertension or epilepsy avoid the use of essential oils.
Keep out of the reach of children.
For external use only!
Do not use undiluted.
NEVER use- wormwood, rue, sasssafras, and mugwort- Rodale's book of herbs states that Mugwort has toxic properties & research on the web indicates that the other herbs have toxic properties also- thus they would not be suitable to use for Aromatherapy.
Citrus oils have about a 6 month shelf life- after the expiration of these oils do not use for Bath & Body products- instead add to mop water or in the laundry rinse cycle.
Some common essential oils used in Aromatherapy are: Lavender, Tea Tree Oil, Rosemary, Sweet Orange, Lemon, Bergamot, and Clary Sage.

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