Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Green Tomatoes! Yahoo!

I am so happy- today I found some little green tomatoes on some of the plants! Of course I am happy when any plant starts producing but the tomatoes are what we wait for with eager anticipation for almost a year. They should be ripe in about a month.
Getting closer!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Desperate Times Call for Desperate Measures

A few minutes ago  I heard this true story on the news.
A man went into a bank and handed the teller a noet that said I want one dollar and medical care.
Now since he tried to rob the bank of 1.00 he was charged with larceny and went to jail.
But once in jail he now has an appointment to see a doctor and will most likely will be having surgery soon.
 He said that going to jail was the only way to get the medical care he needed.
All I can say is: Shame on you America! Letting the economy get to this state is simply unexcuseable!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Radish Grower I Am Not!

For some reasom I can not successfully grow radishes. Last year all I got were roots.
 This year they seemed to grow so slow that I left them in the ground a lot longer- well again some were just roots and some got very large tops- these did produce radishes- unedible radishes very woody an unpleasant tasting!
 But the rest of the garden is doing very well!
 I am thinking that there will be zuchini in a few weeks!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day ca. 1924

I am sure this photo was not taken on Father's Day but it is the only photo I have of my dad and paternal grandfather together. My grandfather passed away not long after this photo was taken. Four years later my grandmother married his brother- the man I always knew as grandpa.
My dad also passed away a few weeks before his 55th birthday. So for many years my husband has been the only family I had to spend Father's Day with- and hope fully we will spend many more together. I am greatful to   my dad and grandpa's for the love the gave me and for making me who I am!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Did the Pilgrims Get This Excited...

over their vegetable gardens? Probably not since they had to have a garden for survival. No McDonald's or Di Giorno pizza's for them. I on the other hand am excited- I am looking forward to fresh vegetables and hope fully being able to preserve some of the harvest for winter use.
 I am amazed at how fast things are growing.

                                           The basil is doing very well- I will be drying more of this this year.

                                           The cantaloupe is bloomnig well- I hope I get at least one good melon this year!
                                             The Scarlett Runner Beans are getting ready to set their scarlett flowers- they are growing amazingly fast- I have never grown them before- I can't wait to see the foot long beans!

Monday, June 13, 2011

I am not over religious but tonight I am sure there is a God.

About 6:30 tonight my son called me from work  and said he wasn't feeling well and was leaving work. He was not sure whether to just go home or go to the ER. He told me what was happening and I told him to go to the ER and I would meet him there. I did not know what was wrong but new that  what he described was abnormal.
My son is 38 years old so I was in shock when I arrived  at the ER and they told me he was having a heart attack.
 The on call cardiologist arrived and he was taken to the cath lab where a very large clot was removed and a stent put in.
 He is now resting comfortably but has another artery they will need to be inclogged in the very near fiuture.
 As I said before I was raised to believe in God but have not been to church in a very long time- tonight I prayed almost continuosly that my son would live and my prayers were answered. So for me there is no longer any question. Yes there is a God.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Progress Made Today!

 I made some good progress in the garden today!
Rainy Midwest weather is good for making grass long enough to mulch with!

 This will be raked and spread in the garden after supper tonight.

As the garden is starting to get a little weedy!

Beets and Onions

Basil, Radishes and Onions


Green Beans are a little spotty so I will be filling in with more seed soon.

The peas are spotty too so I added some seed to the rows today.

The zuchini is growing quickly!

The sweet coen is sparse so will add seed to that too!

My clematis is blooming nicely!

And so are the peonies!