Sunday, June 20, 2010

Oh So Wonderful! Oh So Prim!

I really like the look of these! 34.99 whis is a little too pricey for me- if not for you thry can be found at

Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Women of Plimoth

The women of Plimoth did not have a radio, tv,computer or cell phone- so their life was a much simpler time. But that does not mean they had an easy life- far from it! They were responsible for cooking, cleaning, nursing the sick,working in the gardens. and sometimes tending the animals and working in the fields.
If the colony thought they had committed a wrong the were put in the stocks just like the men.
Above are some photos of Plimoth women at their work in there traditional dress.

Monday, June 7, 2010

What a Great Giveaway!

If you like jewelry yo must enter this giveaway! Isn't this beautiful?
Go here to enter: link is on the right sidebar

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nature's Beauty

My aunt gave me some iris bulbs last Fall- I was not sure what color they were- I was thrilled when I saw this big blossomed beauty this summer!