Friday, April 30, 2010

Oh So Pretty!

Isn't this beautiful perfime bottle womderful!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wonderful Vintage Creation!!

The other night I was surfing the web and came across several of these type of jars. I saw so many I don't remember where this image came from bit I love it. Going to try this some day soon!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My Daffodils Finally Bloomed!

Here in the Midwset things have been slow to bloom- at least my flowers !

I am so happy my daffodils finally bloomed- a little sunshine on this rainy cold day!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

A Happy and Blessed Easter to all!
What is on your menu today?
We are having :
Potato Salad
Scalloped Corn
Green Bean Casserole
Candied Sweet Potatoes
Strawberry Cheesecake
Peach Cobbler

Thursday, April 1, 2010

What a nice Surprise!!

Back in the Spring of 2008 a big portion of this tree came down but was hung up by a wide strip of bark.
My husband is not in good enough health to take the limb( that is double and the size of a full tree) down and we coukd not afford to have it done by a tree sevice. So it has been inthis state for the past two years.
Today a truck drove into our yard and ny husband and I were shocked at first. Them my son and two of his friends got out with a chain saw and started sawing on the limb/tree. It has now been dropped from the main trunk and most of the debris has been cleaned up!
I am so thankful to my son and his friends!!